We designed websites for various international conferences listed below that were held at Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology (CBIT), Hyderabad, TG, India.


List of websites

S.NoLive Web LinkProject Details
1https://icses.in/Website for International Conference on Smart and Expert Systems (ICSES) held at CBIT, Hyderabad
2https://teamyayin.github.io/ICIS-2023/Website for International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) at CBIT Hyderabad
3https://teamyayin.github.io/ICRCPMWebsite for International conference on robotics and Cyber physical machines
4https://teamyayin.github.io/ICMA-2022/Website for International Conference of materials and its applications(ICMA 2022)

website screenshot Home page from one of the websites in the above list